(1) Definition of Data

  • objective facts
  • pure number, symbols

1. Data Type

  • Qualitative Data : numbers, shapes, symbols
  • Quantitaive Data : language, characters

2. Tacit and Explicit Knowledge

  • Tacit Knowledge : difficult to express or extract
  • Explicit Knowledge : expressive knowledge

3. Interaction of Tacit and Explicit Knowledge

  1. Socialization
  2. Externalization
  3. Combination
  4. Internalization

(2) Relationship of Data and Information

File:DIKW Pyramid.svg
By Longlivetheux - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

1. Data

  • objective facts
  • pure number, symbols

2. Information

  • Data Processing

3. Knowledge

  • Predictions

4. Wisdom

  • creative ideas

(3) Data De-identification

1. Definition

  • process used to prevent someone’s personal identity from being revealed.

2. Techniques


replacing real names with a temporary ID.


the process where raw data is gathered and expressed in a summary form for statistical analysis.

Data Reduction

the process in which an organization sets out to limit the amount of data it’s storing.

Data suppression

a disclosure avoidance method that is used to protect the identities, privacy, and personal information of individuals.

Data Masking

the process of hiding data by modifying its original letters and numbers.

source : IBM, cloudflare, Wikipedia, AWS